Mao Yijie is among the 2024 list of “Women in 6G”

ON2024-03-06TAG: ShanghaiTech UniversityCATEGORY: Global

Recently, Assistant Professor Mao Yijie in the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), successfully joined the list of “100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G” in 2024. The list was announced by the community “Women in 6G™”, aiming to recognize 100 women who have made outstanding contributions in the field of 6G telecom around the world.

“Women in 6G™” is an international organization dedicated to narrowing the gender gap and increasing diversity in the telecom field, and it provides support and education to women who aspire to pursue 6G-related careers. The community released the list of “100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G” after comprehensively considering the nominees’ performance from sources including university and company website information, interview transcripts, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, IEEE Xplore and other public information.

Assistant Professor Mao Yijie

Mao Yijie received her PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2018. She then spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong and Imperial College London. She joined SIST as an assistant professor in August 2021. She is committed to exploring cutting-edge technology in the field of 6G telecom, spanning across potential new multiple access technologies of 6G and AI-empowered telecom network design, to communication and computing integrated networks.


Mao Yijie has already won the sole Best Paper Awards, awarded by the EURASIP JWCN in 2022, and the 2023 IEEE MeditCom, and ranks among the top 2% scientists in the world evaluated by Stanford University in 2023. Currently, she serves as the associate editor of several well-known IEEE communications journals and as the co-chair of several flagship conference workshops in IEEE communications.


ShanghaiTech provides young faculty with high-level research platforms and rich academic cooperation opportunities to support their development. An increasing number of female scientists are devoting their efforts towards achieving fruitful results and honors, contributing “she power” to the university.