ShanghaiTech Students Win at Hackathon

ON2018-11-02TAG: ShanghaiTech UniversityCATEGORY: School of Information Science and Technology

Recently Shanghai hosted BitRun Hackathon 48H, a national contest for blockchain technology developers and enthusiasts. Undergraduate and graduate students competed on the blockchain hackathon, and nearly one hundred technology enthusiasts from Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Tongji University and Central University of Finance and Economics, and others took part. After several days, Pyxis, part of ShanghaiTech’s GeekPie community, won second place. The Team Name I Forgot team received the Outstanding Work Award and the MakerDAO Sponsor Special Award; a team consisting of a mix of Zhejiang University graduate students and game industry practitioners won the first place, while the third place was taken by Zhejiang University Blockchain Club members. 

The Pyxis team consisted of three freshmen from School of Information and Science Technology (Zhang Qixuan, Jing Haotian, Zheng Zeyu) and a freshman from Zhejiang Gongshang University. This was unusual as 70% of the players in the competition were juniors or above; and many PhD and master's degree students and IT practitioners participate as well. Among this stiff competition, Pyxis was the only team solely composed of freshmen students. The Pyxis team members had less than one month to start learning about blockchain technology for this competition.

Their strategy was to use the Nervos AppChain development tool, and they designed and developed a multi-mode bidding system based on blockchain within 48 hours - no competition BidChain and a full-featured Demo show in the final. The system uses blockchain technology and cryptography to achieve blockchaining of bidding. Under the premise of ensuring complete logic, the operation process from the perspective of both bidders in a streamlined bidding process; drawing on the concept of “Zero-Knowledge Proof,” the bidders' complete “double-blindness” was guaranteed, and the risks for both parties reduced. The method of freezing tokens by the Ethereum Smart contract ensures that the bidder has limited control over the maximum deposit. 

“Team Name I forgot” team was composed of two ShanghaiTech students (Li Zhao, Wang Yi) and two other undergraduate students from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and Fudan University. The team developed a next-generation business based on a stable currency. The ad delivery model, which uses smart contracts, ensures the interests of the sitter are not lost, and uses the Dharma Protocol to motivate users to advertise and the DAI Stablecoin to avoid the potential risk brought by digital currency price fluctuation, thus enabling the economic model of the team design comes to a win-win situation.

After the game, the Pyxis team said: Before participating at the competition it was not clear to us what the composition of the other participating members would be, but at the end of the game it was rewarding to compete with big players on the same stage. We would like to thank the Nervos Appchain team, as their technicians helped us fix some bugs in the Nervos AppChain suite found during the competition. Our main advantage was in the design of our product and the complete Demo, showcasing the final product. Our underlying technical understanding of blockchain might be less than the other school's seniors, and there are still many things to learn.” 

Pyxis team second place reward

Name I forgot Team wins Team Outstanding Works Award and MakerDAO Sponsor Special Award 

BidChain Demo show of Pyxis team

Team name I forgot team demo show